Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What is your Hitty grail?

Is there one Hitty you particularly long for? What Hitty would you buy if money were no object (excluding Original Hitty)? Personally, if I had a spare $1,000 hanging around, I'd buy a Jean Lotz Hitty and provide her with as much clothing as I had money left over! I love Jean's interpretations because, to my mind, they come the closest in looks to Original Hitty.

Theresa Maugham created a beautiful Hitty with head of carved parian that I would also love to have. She has such a sweet face! Here's her picture:

Here's the rundown on what my Hittys are made of: 19 wood, 7 cloth, 5 mixed medium, 3 resin, 4 clay or related material. The mixed-medium dolls are ones with heads made of one material and cloth bodies (or would have cloth bodies if I had made ones for them).

I would love to hear about your favorite Hitty.


Wizzy said...

A blog all about Hitty - how very cool! I agree that a Jean Lotz Hitty would be the ultimate Hitty for me too.

Are you counting Hittys or Hittys and Bittys when you get your total?

I have 6 Hittys - 4 wood, 1 cloth and 1 I just made last week out of air-dry clay. My favorite doll is Matchstick, closely followed by Mrs. Sag :)

Holly K. said...

I count them all, Wizzy, but I probably ought to have included the Bittys and Ittys as separate demographics!