To the Hittys' dismay, Saggy Bottom got relegated to my basement, unused, soon after its arrival, and it wasn't until this year that they convinced me the time had come for them to move in.
They very diligently cleaned away the dust and cobwebs, and started moving in some furniture (photo from a few months ago). Since then, they have acquired some pictures for the walls, as well as plants and rugs and more furniture, so Saggy Bottom is looking quite comfortable and homey.
It also is looking crowded, and I suspect the next plan they will come up with is for me to create an addition, possibly a big kitchen and a dormitory for all the Hittys who populate the Garden Spot.
But if you'd like to drop in for a spot of tea, please do! At Saggy Bottom, the kettle's always on and guests are warmly welcomed!
Love what you have done with Saggy Bottom Holly.
Saggy Bottoms is delightful. The Hittys at Sixes Community & I enjoyed reading your "Collecting Hitty" blog. Hitty Jan reports that we have a similar Hitty house here, that needs to become inhabitable! She is delighted to see this give me inspiration.
Celia C
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